Northgate Baptist Church in Norman, Oklahoma is an independent, fundamental Baptist Church. Pastor, Raymond Ullery, and our church family are dedicated to building strong families and helping them draw closer to a more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. No matter what your age or background there is a place for you at Northgate Baptist Church.
Join our church family!
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning Preaching with Children’s Church: 11:00 AM
Nursing Home Service at Medical Park West: 3:30 PM
Nursing Home Service at Grace Living Center: 4:00 PM
Sunday Afternoon Preaching: 2:00 PM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study: 7:00 PM
Lexington Bible Study at Minnehoma Market: Thursdays @ 6:00 PM
Soul Winning/Visitation: Saturday Morning @ 10:00 AM
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