Condsidering a visit to Northgate?

Are you planning to visit Northgate Baptist Church? What should you expect when you arrive?

What’s the atmosphere like at Northgate?
When you arrive at Northgate Baptist Church, we want you to feel like you’ve just come home! We want you to feel like you are part of a family – our family.  Our services are filled with traditional hymns, special music and preaching from God’s Word. Everyone is welcomed with a smile and greeted with a friendly handshake.

What version of the Bible is used?
We use the Authorized King James Version of the Bible in all of our services & curriculum.

What does everyone normally wear?
There is no dress code to attend any of our public services. But in case you are wondering, the majority of our members wear their ‘Sunday Best’ – most ladies wear dresses & men vary from suit & tie to jeans, t-shirts & polo’s. We encourage and invite you to ‘come as you are’!

Is there a place for my kids?
Absolutely! The Bible teaches that children are a heritage from the Lord and here at Northgate Baptist we put families first! We have graded Sunday School classes and a nursery is provided during all our main services.